Getting Even
February 17, 2023

Book Review

Getting Even

reviewed by Pam Guynn

Getting Even by Lisa Jackson combines two of her earlier romantic suspense novels into this newly released book. The novels have common themes of revenge, suspense, romance, and some action as well.

Yesterday’s Lies is set in Sinclair, Oregon and features Tory Wilson and Trask McFadden. Tory and Trask were in love, but five years ago Trask tore Tory’s world apart when his testimony landed her father in prison for horse swindling using information Tory had told him in confidence. On top of that, her father died in prison. Now Trask is asking for her help.

Tory is determined, prideful, feels guilty, and is working hard to get the family ranch profitable. Trask has become a U.S. senator, regrets his actions hurt Tory, but did what he felt he had to do. Both characters go through attitude and outlook changes as the story progresses.

The plot is relatively straightforward with a few twists here and there. While it was a little predictable, there’s also danger, heartache, and action with enough suspense to keep me engaged. The world-building was well-done allowing readers to be transported to the ranch.

Overall, the book was engrossing and fast-paced, featuring a second chance romance with plenty of danger along the way. Themes include greed, family, trust, misplaced trust, guilt, romance, destroyed dreams, fear, and much more.

Zachary’s Law features Lauren Regis and Zachary Winters and is set mainly in Portland, Oregon. Lauren’s ex-husband kidnapped her two children slightly over a year ago. Since then, the police, a private detective, and two lawyers have been unable to help her find them. One of the attorneys and a co-worker recommended she contact Zachary. He’s an unconventional attorney with a darker reputation. Lauren is desperate and asks him to help her.

Lauren is tormented by the loss of her children and desperate to find them. Zachary is still suffering from the death of his wife and his business partner. They change and grow slightly as the story unfolds.

The storyline was heart-wrenching at times. There was a lot more than the investigation going on in this novel. It was heavier on the romance and Lauren’s work than I expected. I felt the ending was resolved a little too easily. However, Lauren’s situation grabbed my attention and the story kept my interest. Themes include kidnapping, desperation, love, alcoholism, attraction, conflicts of interest, and trust.

Overall, this was an intense story with likeable characters that kept me turning the pages. Those who enjoy romantic suspense books may want to check out this novel.

Kensington Books – Zebra and Lisa Jackson provided a digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. This is my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently expected to be February 21, 2023.


Getting Even available at:

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