A Clean Kill
June 19, 2024

Book Review

A Clean Kill

reviewed by Pam Guynn

If you enjoy crime thrillers with suspense, action, and memorable characters, then look no further than Steven Konkoly’s newest novel, A Clean Kill. It’s the first book in the Garrett Mann series and is very different from your typical FBI thriller. Garret is the head of a specialized FBI task force containing misfits FBI agents who are hunting a killer.

He kills along rural roads from near the border with Mexico to the upper Midwest. This time the bodies are found in rural Steele County, Minnesota near Owatonna. But this is no ordinary serial killer, he has powerful help making the stakes even higher.

Garrett doesn’t always share information with others and he has a judgment-impairing grudge that he fights to control. However, he works well with other police officers to gain cooperation and has a somewhat dry and sarcastic sense of humor that is occasionally shown. His flaws make him seem more realistic and relatable. I particularly enjoyed his independent thinking and willingness to listen to recommendations from others. The secondary and tertiary characters have varying levels of depth, but it was appropriate for their roles and the first book in the series. The team is far from perfect and facing overwhelming odds, but it was easy to want them to succeed. Readers also occasionally get the perspective of the killer and one of those in power helping him.

Steven Konkoly is skilled in making readers feel the rise in tension at critical moments in the story. This exciting page-turner has a riveting plot and compelling and strong characters, and it’s infused with action. The author also does a great job of world-building, making it a mesmerizing reading experience. The storyline is gripping and will grab and keep your attention from beginning to end. It kept me on such an emotional rollercoaster that I was rapidly turning the pages to see what would happen next. My one quibble is that there were some threads that were left open. I’m sure this is the start for the next book in the series, but I wanted a little more closure.

Overall, this is a riveting, intense, and violent story that is disquieting and unsettling at times. The action scenes combined with great characters and a well-written plot make this novel a must read for thriller readers. This was an excellent start to a new series. If you consider yourself a fan of action-filled crime thrillers, then I recommend this well-crafted novel. I can’t wait to find out what will happen next.

Thomas & Mercer and Steven Konkoly provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own. Publication date is currently expected to be July 01, 2024.

A Clean Kill available at:

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