Elizabeth Goddard
March 10, 2025

Elizabeth Goddard is the PW, ECPA, and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of over sixty novels, including the Missing in Alaska and Rocky Mountain Courage series. Her books have sold more than 1.5 million copies. She is a Christy Award, Carol Award and Reader’s Choice Award winner and a Daphne du Maurier Award and HOLT Medallion finalist.

Interview by Elise Cooper

Q: What inspired the idea for the story?
Elizabeth Goddard: I wanted to set a story off the Washington coast for a very long time. There are people who come to watch the storms during the winter. I had in my mind to write about a former military photographer. I put it all together to create a mystery surrounding a storm-watching lodge.

Q: Does nature play a role?
Elizabeth: Yes, with its beauty and brutality, which makes for a great suspenseful story. Hidden Bay is fictional but based on several bays in the Olympic Peninsula that are close to the ocean—rugged, with a rocky coast and a wilderness area. It has a rainforest with winds, cold, and rain.

Q: What role does the lodge play?
Elizabeth: It houses certain individuals who want to stay hidden from the outside world. It seems invisible to the world. It is based on a real lodge that overlooks the ocean. There is very limited cell service.

Q: How would you describe the female lead, Remi?
Elizabeth: She has amnesia—someone who is wary, vulnerable, impulsive, secretive, and determined. She has built walls yet remains mysterious and tough. She also has brain trauma. I relied heavily on research I had done regarding my own son, who suffered a brain injury ten years ago.

Q: How would you describe the male lead, Hawk?
Elizabeth: Charming, competitive, compassionate, and protective. He is a true hero—a former Army Night Stalker who piloted helicopters to deliver special ops teams anywhere in the world.

Q: What about their relationship?
Elizabeth: I have a book quote: “She came to the lodge to remember, he came to the lodge to forget.” She is initially distrustful of him. They are kindred spirits running from demons—both damaged in their own ways.

Q: What about Cole, Hawk’s brother?
Elizabeth: They are two competitive brothers whose father pitted them against each other, creating a deep sibling rivalry. Cole is a hired gun—rogue, ghost-like. He has contempt for what he believes Hawk has become.

Q: What can you share about the next book?
Elizabeth: It’s Jo’s story—a forensic artist and handyman on the run who was introduced in this book. She teams up with someone from book one to find out who wants to kill her. The title is Perilous Tides, coming out in July of this year.

Review by Elise Cooper

Storm Warning by Elizabeth Goddard has non-stop action and mysterious circumstances with unexpected twists that will keep people totally engaged. There is international espionage, betrayal, and dangerous secrets.

The female lead, Remi Grant, is a former army photographer who has no memory of a tragic day in her past. She has moved to Cedar Trails Lodge, getting a job as the manager. Trying to work through her memory problems, it appears someone is trying to help her remember by sending her packages containing puzzle pieces and notes. Her quiet solitude is disturbed by a series of events that threaten her life. First there was the shredding of a rope ladder she needed to climb to get safely out of the ferocious ocean tides.  Had it not been for the strong hand of a total stranger, Hawk Beckett, who pulled her to safety, she would have fallen to her death. He is at the Lodge to try to recover from the hurt and pain from a mission gone bad when an army helicopter pilot, loss of his job in law enforcement, and a fruitless search for his brother who he believes to be an assassin.

It seems that someone is trying to silence Remi permanently and Hawk always seems to be in the right place at the right time to help save her. They decide to team up and watch each other’s backs.

To add to the tension is the environment with the whipping winds, cold rain, and the dangerous Washington coast.

This gripping tale will take readers on a wild and crazy ride from the beginning chapter to the end with twists that will shock them. The story if full of shocking suspense.

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