My Murder
July 22, 2023

Book Review

My Murder

reviewed by Jennifer Bradford

thejwordpress | Goodreads

I believe that ninety-eight percent of all adults have raised the question: “What happens when I die?” Katie Williams explores this question in her new speculative crime novel, My Murder.

Most crime novels follow the traditional pattern of a crime being committed, investigated, solved, with the criminal apprehended and sent to jail.

The story of My Murder begins with the introduction of Lou, a young wife and mother living with her husband, Silas, and toddler daughter, Nova. Her life is not average. Lou has returned to life after having been killed by the serial killer Edward Early. Lou and four other women were brought back to life when the government’s Replication Committee met and agreed that these five victims would be cloned and returned to their grieving families.

At this point, it might seem like the logical spot to end the story – the crime is solved, the criminal is caught and in custody, and all victims are fully restored as a bonus. But there is more to this story.

For Lou, the surface seems fine but various troubling issues arise. Her reunion with her loving daughter is strained. Nova seems put off by this woman who looks like her mother but not completely. Lou is not able to soothe or calm the little girl in the ways she could before she was cloned. Lou’s husband seems to be walking on eggshells, never wanting to upset her.

Then there’s the Green Bag, a great mystery and source of worry for Lou. Found stuffed in the back of her closet, the green bag is filled with several pieces of her clothes, her passport, social security card, and cash. It’s an Escape Bag. Why does she have an Escape Bag? She can’t remember packing it, storing it, or, most importantly, planning an escape before her death.

What was happening in her prior life? Why can’t she remember? These questions keep recurring.

There’s a support group to turn to. The five survivors meet regularly to discuss their new and old lives. But the other four each remember something that Lou cannot. They remember the encounter with Edward Early. They remember what he said. They remember being killed. Lou cannot remember being killed. She cannot remember the day she was murdered. Surely, if there’s anything a person would and could remember, it’s the day a serial killer would slash their throat and leave them to die.

Lou has developed a relationship with a fellow survivor, Fern, who cannot get past her overwhelming need to find out why she was selected by Edward Early to be one of his victims. Obviously, Fern needs to speak to Early.

Lou and Fern decide to get permission to visit Early before his punishment for the deaths is imposed. Edward is reluctant but does finally agree to meet them. They confront Early, hoping for a better understanding.

The meeting goes as we would expect. He unemotionally admits to killing Fern but cannot provide reasons or motives. It’s to Lou that he gives the most disturbing and unexpected reply: he didn’t kill her. All he knows is that it wasn’t him.

Who killed Lou and why? Is the answer important? How can one live without answers? How does one fit into this world?

Read My Murder by Katie Williams. It’s interesting, thought-provoking, creative, and very human. You will change your mind about this novel while you’re reading it and after you finish it.

My Murder exemplifies what a “good read” is supposed to be.

My Murder is available at:

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