September 4, 2024
Tropes of YA Thrillers

Tropes of YA Thrillers

The Most Thrilling Clichés You Love to Hate (or Hate to Love)

If you’re a YA thriller fan, you’ve likely encountered a few familiar elements while flipping through your latest obsession. From high school drama to life-or-death stakes, there are a handful of tropes that these novels just can’t seem to escape. But hey, isn’t that what makes them so addictive? Let’s take a light-hearted look at the most common tropes in YA thrillers—and why we can’t stop reading them, even if they feel like déjà vu.

1. The Reluctant Teen Hero

Ah, the teenager-who-did-not-sign-up-for-this. This kid was just trying to survive high school and maybe pass chemistry. But nope, fate (or a crazed villain) has different plans. Now they’re solving murders, unraveling conspiracies, or trying to stop the end of the world. We get it—you didn’t ask to be the Chosen One, but could you at least pretend you’re a little excited about it?

2. Secrets Upon Secrets

Is there anything juicier than a secret in a YA thriller? No. And there are plenty. Everyone is hiding something, and the protagonist’s life depends on uncovering that one huge secret the entire town seems to be in on. Whether it’s a missing person (Where did Clarissa go?), a mysterious cult (Is Manny being followed by ghosts?), or a good old-fashioned love triangle (someone’s bound to be a murderer), the truth is always just out of reach.

3. Trust No Adult, Ever

YA thrillers wouldn’t exist if adults were competent. Teachers, parents, law enforcement—you name it, they’re all either suspicious, oblivious, or downright evil. Our teenage hero is on their own because, obviously, asking a reasonable adult for help would end the book by chapter two. No, it’s much better to sneak around in the dead of night with a flashlight and some questionable decision-making skills.

4. Romantic Subplot… of Course

Nothing says, “I’m on the run from a serial killer” quite like falling in love. YA thrillers love to throw in a will-they-won’t-they romance to spice up the chase. After all, who wouldn’t have time for a little smooching while being hunted by a murderer? Whether it’s the bad boy with a dark secret (spoiler: he’s a good guy) or the cute nerd who suddenly becomes an action hero, love is always just around the corner—along with danger.

5. The Missing Girl Trope

Let’s take a moment for all the girls in YA thrillers who have gone missing (RIP, Clarissa). A central mystery in many of these books is always, “Where did she go?” Popular cheerleader? Gone. Quiet outsider? Also gone. Whoever she was, her absence will be felt throughout the entire story while the protagonist scrambles to figure out who’s next—usually with themselves on the shortlist.

6. The Cliffhanger Chapter Endings

Just when you think you can put the book down to, you know, go live your life, another cliffhanger smacks you in the face. Did the killer just step into the room? Did they finally find the missing phone with all the answers? Spoiler: you’ll have to read the next chapter to find out. There’s no rest for the wicked—or for readers.

7. The Last-Minute Plot Twist

If you think you’ve figured out the twist, think again. YA thrillers love to pull the rug out from under you at the last possible moment. The murderer? Not who you thought. The missing girl? Maybe she wasn’t so innocent after all. Even if you’ve guessed every clue perfectly, there’s always some new information that makes you slap the book in frustration while also wanting to applaud the author for pulling it off.

8. The Isolated Setting

What better place to set a YA thriller than somewhere nobody can hear you scream? Whether it’s an abandoned mall (“Four Found Dead” by Natalie D. Richards), a creepy summer camp, or a town with a history of unsolved murders (“Missing Dead Girls” by Sara Walters), you’re probably miles from civilization with no working cell service. Naturally, this is the perfect time for things to go horribly wrong.

9. A Tight Group of Friends (One of Whom May Be a Traitor)

No one in YA thrillers goes it alone—they’ve always got a squad. But how many of these friends are trustworthy? Answer: usually not all of them. Someone is bound to have a hidden agenda, and it’s up to our hero to figure out which friend is betraying the group before it’s too late. Pro tip: if they look suspicious and deny everything, they’re guilty.

10. The Final Showdown

Everything comes down to one last big confrontation. Whether it’s on the edge of a cliff (literal or metaphorical) or deep in the villain’s lair, it’s time for the protagonist to face their fears—and the killer. Usually, it involves some sort of dramatic monologue from the villain (because why not?) and a surprising act of bravery from our hero, who likely should’ve died five chapters ago.

Why We Love These Tropes (Even Though We’ve Seen Them Before)

Let’s be real—we love these tropes. Sure, they’re familiar, and yes, we know the protagonist is going to make it out alive (mostly). But the thrill of the chase, the twists we never saw coming, and the heart-racing tension keep us coming back for more. So, next time you crack open a YA thriller and think, “Hey, haven’t I seen this before?”, just sit back and enjoy the ride. Because honestly, who can resist a good cliffhanger?


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