You Will Never Be Me
August 11, 2024

Book Review

You Will Never Be Me

reviewed by Sandra Hoover


Goodreads | Crossmyheartbookreviews

Author Jessie Q. Sutanto takes readers on a chilling, eye-opening deep dive into the cutthroat world of social media super influencers in You Will Never Be Me. A place where the stakes and potential for making six figure incomes are high and the odds of crashing and losing it all higher. A place where friendships are made and broken and greed, jealousy and insecurity take root and grow. A facade where revenge turns dark, ugly and deadly.

Super “Momfluencer” Meredith Lee is riding a social media high at the top of her game when she takes a struggling mother, Aspen Palmer, under her wing teaching her how to become a successful, top earning influencer on social media. In a short amount of time, the student surpasses the teacher in the number of followers, likes, sponsors and income earned on TikTok and Instagram. Suddenly, Aspen is the social media darling invited to all the right parties, meeting other super influencers and making the big bucks, and she has little time for her former mentor. After a particularly nasty argument, the former friends part ways. Aspen is basking in her new fame and lifestyle while Meredith’s flame is fading fast leaving her on the outside looking in, but don’t count her out just yet. She made Aspen . . . and she can break her. Meredith begins stalking her former friend and when opportunity knocks, she walks through the door. Two can play this game . . . until someone goes missing, and the accusations fly. 

You Will Never Be Me unfolds through the dual points of view of Meredith and Aspen. The pace builds slowly as the author lays the groundwork, allowing readers to get to know each of the women and their families while setting the stage for what’s to come. Halfway through, the pace intensifies, and the tone takes a dire turn into an imminent danger zone with warning signs flashing on every page. From this point on, no one will be putting this book down for any reason as it shifts gears with each shocking twist. While most of the characters are shallow, arrogant and extremely self-centered, the kind you love to hate, they are exactly what one would expect to find within the context of this story. Sutanto does an expert job at character development, allowing readers to see what drives each one. Like a wreck on the highway, I couldn’t look away afraid of what I might miss. I suspect the ending may be controversial, but whether you like the way the author chose to wrap this story up or not, I guarantee you won’t forget it anytime soon. I know I won’t, and I’ll never look at social media influencers the same way ever again. 

Author Jesse Q. Sutanto brilliantly renders a dark, witty, parody of the fake, cutthroat world of social media influencers in You Will Never Be Me. Toxic friendships are fed by greed, lies and the desire to be seen as the top influencer in the niche. I’m amazed and quite frankly shocked at the idea of how far some will go and how much they’re willing to sacrifice to reach the pinnacle of success in the influencer world. Highly recommended to fans of suspense thrillers and anyone curious about the world of social media influencers 

You Will Never Be Me is available at:

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